Wednesday, May 23, 2012

5/18/2012 – Blueberry-Peach Pancakes with Scrapple

With Laura in South Carolina promoting Shakespeare Shaken, I was left to my own devices when it came to the new recipe for this week.  A week that proved to be particularly stressful.  The second incredibly stressful week in a row to be honest.  With that in mind I decided to treat myself to breakfast for dinner Friday.

My favorite breakfast has always been Pancakes.  When I was kid, every Sunday my Dad would make a big pancake breakfast with eggs and a rotating cast of breakfast meats.  Of the breakfast meats, I‘m partial to that quintessentially Pennsylvanian delicacy scrapple.  He would make a giant stack of pancakes for my Mom, sister and I, that we would snack on all day long.  It was perfect for a nice lazy Sunday.

For my lazy Friday night, I took my Dad’s pancake recipe added a double helping of peaches along with a liberal helping of fresh blueberries.  Combined with some nice thin sliced Scrapple induced a worry free food coma.  It was just what I need to chase my worries away.

Blueberry-Peach Pancakes

What you need:

·         3 cups of Flour
·         5 Teaspoons of Baking Powder
·         2 Teaspoons of Salt
·         3 Tablespoons of Brown Sugar
·         2 ½ cups of milk
·         2 eggs
·         1 stick of butter
·         1 can of peaches
·         1 small tub of blueberries
·         A griddle
·         A blender
·         A pastry knife (optional)

1.       Add the Flour, salt and Baking Powder to a large mixing bowl, be sure to mix the two together well.  I recommend using a pastry knife for this.  If the Baking Powder is not mix in properly it will create bitter pockets in you pancakes.
2.       Melt the stick of butter in a small bowl.
3.       Add the brown sugar to the butter and mix until it creates a cream.  This will help sugar distribute evenly thought the pancakes
4.       Beat the eggs and add them with the milk to the creamed butter
5.       Add your wet ingredients to the dry and mix until they are completely mixed together
6.       Place the peaches into the blender and purée
7.       Mix in the puree peaches and blueberries to the other ingredients
8.       Heat you griddle on low to medium heat
9.       Pour out ¼ cup of pancake mix on to the griddle
10.   Once the pancake start to bubble flip it, the longer it bubbles, the dark the pancake
11.   Let the pancake cook on the other side for about half to three quarters the time of the first side.

The key to good scrapple starts with the cut.  For those who have never seen scrapple, it comes in a brick.  You want to cut off thin slices from the short side, like slicing bread.  Each piece you cut off should be no more than an eighth of a inch thick.  Then heat up a tiny bit of olive oil in a pan and fry the scrapple until it golden brown and crispy on both sides.  I like to cook it in a cast iron skillet.

Once I have my scrapple and pancakes, I add the perfect finishing touch, a helpful serving of real maple syrup.  I cannot stress this enough, you want real maple syrup.  Once you have the real stuff you can never go back to that fake flavored corn syrup garbage that they sell next to the instant pancake mixes.

A chased this carbtastic meal down with a nice cold glass of milk.  It really hit the spot and lifted my mood tremendously (along with my triglycerides I’m sure).

Once last thing before I go, Laura and I will be at WizardWorld Philly (May 31st - June 3rd).  If you live in the Philadelphia area come on out and say hi.  If you come on Saturday I’ll be wearing my Dr. Strange costume that a friend made me.  Plus, not to bury the lead too much, you will get to see and possibly buy some of Laura wonderful art.  She really is a wonderful and talented artist.

That’s enough shilling for now, till next time, Get the Hell out of my Kitchen.

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