Wednesday, November 27, 2013

No NaNo For You Know Who

So, I'm not going to win NaNoWriMo this year.  With 4 days to go I only have a little over 13,000 words of the 50,000 need for winning.  It a shame, I really liked the winners t-shirt for this year.  The reason I didn't win is twofold.

The first reason is comic books. Right before NaNo started I picked up a comic book lettering gig.  Most of the creative time and energy I would have spent on writing I spent lettering.  This was the first time I very lettered a comic book that I didn't write myself.  It was a challenging job because I didn't write I didn't automatically know how it should be paced.  The author of the comic I did the work for just posted a low-res preview of the comic here:

Before I got that job I was already working on an 8 page mini-comic as I mentioned in an earlier post.  I'm happy to announce that all of the heavy lifting on that project is done and I should be sending it to the printer by Friday.  This means that it is a very real possibility that I will have printed copies in my hand before the end of the year.  Also I'm shooting to have it available for the kindle.  My PC died last week, which delayed everything and I will need to re-download the Kindle comic crafting software.  But with the pages all done it shouldn't take too long and I it as well should be done by Friday.

The second thing that will cause me to lose NaNo is that simple fact that Comic book scripts just don't have that many words (unless you're Alan Moore) In a comic book the dialog is kept short to lessen the  impact of it obscuring the art.  Also when describing the panels to the artist it takes a lot of visualization, which in turn, for me, really slows down the writing process.

All that being said, I have gotten half an issue of a script written and I also cranked out a super short story.  Not bad considering I also lettered 14 pages of comics, several times after getting edits and new versions of the art.  I would actually consider this a productive month so far.

My goal going forward is to still write every day, which is the point of NaNoWriMo in the first place.  The word count will just be a little less important than during NaNo proper.  Instead of trying to spit out 1600+ words every day, I'm shooting for a more manageable word count goal of 250 to 500 words.  That's not to say I can't have more productive days and write more than that.  I'm just not going beat myself up or push myself if I got my 250-500 words in for the day.

I also want to make it a goal to try to do some sort of lettering each and every day as well.  The goal there is to get at least one page under my belt a day.  More pages if I have a job an deadline.  Speaking of which If anyone knows of any project that is looking for a letter please let me know.  I will do the work for the low, low price of FREE.  Right now it's more important to me that I get paid in experience and resume building.  Once I have a couple hundred more hours and several more projects under my belt I'll start using pay rate as a factor in the jobs I take.  I however never want to lose the desire to take a job just because it is a cool project.  I know I will never be rich doing comics.  I know that the likely hood of me being able to make a living by crating comics alone is slim.  But I love comics, I love helping to bring a work to life and being able to hold something I helped create in my hand.

OK that's all for now; go cook something up.


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